Studies have also shown that pets can help calm hyperactive or overly aggressive kids. Of course, both the animal and the child need to be trained to behave appropriately with each other. Pets can provide a source of positive, nonverbal communication. The playful interaction and gentle touch from a well-trained, docile animal can help soothe an Alzheimer’s patient and decrease aggressive behavior—as can simply being exposed to bright aquariums or fish tanks.
- Some children with autism or other learning difficulties are better able to interact with pets than people.
- Pets have evolved to become acutely attuned to humans and our behavior and emotions.
- While there are some diseases that can be transmitted from cats and dogs to their human handlers, allergies are the most common health risk of pet ownership.
- For instance, the 163 million dogs and cats kept in the United States consume about 20% of the amount of