Kelly Grovier explores an overlooked object that gives a special perspective on the masterpiece. Tony Nwachukwu, 43, is a British-Nigerian DJ who goes by the stage name ‘SoulfulTiz’. He has DJed at venues similar Art News to Africa Oye, Fika competition and 24 Kitchen St, and now alongside his musical exploits, he’s simply been involved in his first fine-art exhibition.
When pictures first appeared, it appeared as if all of the photographer needed to do was push the button. Likewise, it appears that all a person has to do for a glorious AI picture is push the button. But to get a fantastic one—a really inventive one—well, that’s one other matter.
Colleges Spectacular Will Have Fun Forty Years Of School Performing Talent
In addition, try his drawings and work which often represent the physique in an almost animated and exaggerated way. Dan is currently the Director of Photography for The …