Non-metro regions account for 60% of JioMart’s gross sales, indicating its efforts to democratize digital retail. In its earnings launch, Reliance Retail said it undertook an fairness fund elevate of Rs 17,814 crore in FY24, together with Rs 2,500 crore infused by Reliance Industries during the March quarter. The Save Mart Companies, which is headquartered in Modesto, mentioned it has about 200 shops in California and Northern Nevada beneath the banners of Save Mart, Lucky California and FoodMaxx. Mar. 29—The Save Mart Companies announced Monday that it was acquired by a non-public equity firm primarily based out of Los Angeles.
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With the launch of these stores, V-Mart has joined an elite club of style retailers with a retail space exceeding 2 million sq.ft. While, it took V-Mart round 12 years to open its first one hundred stores, and less …